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Private Interview

Private Interview.HEIC

All delegates compete in a round-robin style private interview comprising of 3 minutes per judge. *Little Miss and Pre-Teen are given 2 minutes per judge. 

Private interview accounts for 40% of the overall score.

Sportswear & Swimsuit 

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Little Miss - Teen; Ms.Classic delegates compete on-stage in sportswear outfits to show off their personality and

on-stage confidence.


Miss - Mrs. compete in swimsuit to display their physical fitness and on-stage confidence.

Sportswear & Swimsuit accounts for 25% of the overall score.

Evening Gown

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All delegates compete on-stage in the evening gown competition to show their poise.

Evening Gown accounts for 25% of the overall score.

On Stage Question

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Each delegate competes in on-stage question. Each delegate is given 60 seconds to answer a pre-determined question composed by the judges' panel. 

On-Stage Question accounts for 10% of the overall score.

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